11 Tips That Will Help You Quit Vaping (Once the Time is Right)

The Kind Pen

Here’s the thing…

I was going back and forth on writing this quit vaping post for three reasons:

  • if you’re a Kind Pen user, I would hate to see you go — I dig ya, you know?
  • if you’re not a Kind Pen user, it sucks that you won’t get to try our vape pens!
  • quitting vaping before you’re ready can turn you right back onto cigarettes.

See my three-lema here?


E-cigarettes are — and have always been imagined as — a quit-smoking crutch.

You used tobacco products, so you know how difficult it is to get out of that hell.

Well, if you’re just replacing smoking with vaping, you’re doing your health a world of good… but you’re still stuck in a loop, right? There’s the nicotine addiction to think off… wasting money on vape juices, vape pens, and other vape products; money you could be spending on vacations with your family. And, bottom line, there’s still your health to consider — vapor might be healthier than smoke [less toxic substances and all that], but it’s still not 100% safe or 100% healthy.

So here I am, writing this post to help you ditch that vape [if you’re ready to do it] so that you don’t have to keep worrying about the long-term effects of vaping. Or the money you’re blowing on… well, blowing, period. That said, I’ll sure be sorry to see you go!

When Is the Right Time to Become Vape-Free?

This is a difficult question because (cue trumpets gasping and all-around pearl-clutching for this unbelievable bit of info) — everyone is different!

Yeah, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer here.

You should stop vaping when a) you’re not enjoying it anymore, and b) you feel it in your bones that you won’t light up a cigarette because you don’t have access to your vape. There’s no specific date by which you need to hang up your vape products.

That said, there are a few telltale signs that your success rate might be higher-than-average:

  • you can go all day without thinking about your vape (or cigarettes),
  • social situations (that include drinking) are easy, and you have zero cravings,
  • you’re already used to vaping on nicotine vape juices with zero nicotine,
  • your pen is no longer the first thing you pick up in the morning,
  • you’ve started feeling like vaping is an expense you no longer need,
  • you can go several days without vaping and not experience nicotine withdrawal symptoms.

Now… the most important thing on this list is that you have zero nicotine cravings once you decide to quit vaping. Because if you do, you’ll end up back on vapes. Or worse… 

So make sure you’ve got that down pat before continuing with this.

And if you’re actually ready, here are some quit vaping tips that you’ll want to keep top of mind as you go through the process.

10 Tips That Will Help You Quit Vaping

how to quit vaping

#1 Get Clear On Why You Vape In the First Place

First step — even though it is quite obvious to you — ask yourself this question: “Why I vape?”

I talked to a lot of people, and some reasons might shock you.

We always talk about vaping as a primary alternative to smoking and keeping that nicotine addiction under control, but do you know how many people never smoked cigarettes but still vape?

If you’re vaping because you consider it a nicotine replacement therapy, then your ultimate goal is to get rid of nicotine consumption for good, right? If that’s the case, know that by quitting both tobacco AND vaping, you’ll finally achieve your goal.

And that’s a very motivating position to be in.

#2 Find Something Big That Will Motivate You to Quit Vaping

Getting rid of any habit is a challenge and kudos to you even if you are at the beginning.

Accept your wins even if they are small ones, one day without smoking should be a huge deal at the start. Two days, a week, a month… You get it.

Comparison is a killer of joy. Remember that. You do you and keep grinding. 

People talk a lot about motivation and what made them quit. 

Feel free to use a similar principle, but keep in mind that at some point (in some dark place) your motivation will be tested. Be sure to have a strong connection to the thing that motivates you. To some, saving money is enough, on the other hand, health is the most common motivator.

And one more thing; discipline trumps motivation any day. So, steel your mind as soon as possible. It will help a lot.

#3 Set a Tangible Goal (Your Quit Date)

It’s easier to work towards something than to feel like you are working with an indefinite task. Don’t make a Sisyphus out of yourself. Give yourself a “quit date”, a day in the future that will be your goal. “By that time I will quit vaping, period.”

Now, before you pick a date be real with yourself. No one knows you better than you do.

Calculate everything in, even the possibility of relapse at some point. I know it will be tough, and so do you. But, picking a date means that you are serious about it. The decision you made to quit did not come on a whim, and as such, it won’t go away just like that.

#4 Never STRESS About the Date

You have a quit date written down.


Now stop thinking about it.

Take it one day at a time and don’t worry about missing the day you’ve set. It won’t do your mental health any good. Instead, focus on the little things that you can control to bring your use of vape pens to a minimum even before the cutoff date. Watch your triggers and control them. If your friends vape, talk to them about not pressuring you once you quit. Prepare yourself that it will be hard… but have a support group, medications, or nicotine replacement therapy in place to help you get over the hump.

Just don’t stress about the date — it will only make you want to vape more. So stop staring at the calendar and counting down minutes.

Just do it.

#5 Start Building a New Habit to Substitute 

The best way to start thinking about finding the right substitution for vaping is to realize in which situations you vape the most.

What are your triggers?

Is it while you work, or while you are getting drinks with your friends? Or maybe when you’re in stressful times with work or your kids? Or maybe when you’re relaxing in front of the TV?

All this plays a huge role in your plan to quit vaping.


Because your brain is used to vaping in all these situations.

So what you should do is start training yourself to use a replacement device instead, something to take over for the vape. This is an important step, and your success might depend on it, so don’t ignore it.

Here are some things you can do instead of reaching for vape products:

  • chew gum
  • use a toothpick
  • eat baby carrots
  • snack on saltines, hard candy, or celery stem
  • pacify yourself with a lollipop

You laugh… but all these things help with keeping that oral fixation satisfied. So don’t scoff at it.

Also, physical activity helps big time here. Go running. Go to the gym. Tire yourself out… you’ll be glad you did.

#6 Build Your Support Network


When it comes to getting rid of bad habits, people are really supportive.

I have yet to meet a person that forced someone to keep smoking. Ludicrous, I know…

But, jokes aside… The best thing you can do is to surround yourself with positive and super supportive people. I believe this won’t be a hard task for you because anyone who cares for you will be more than happy to be a part of your journey towards a healthier life.

There will be moments when you will be ready to give up, and that is totally fine. We are not machines and sometimes things don’t work out the way we want them to. In those moments it’s good to have someone really close (husband, wife, other family members, best friend, etc…) that will help you push it through.

In the absence of a tangible support group to give you some tough love when your commitment wavers, do you know what you have? Your phone! There are so many cool tools, programs, apps, and resources out there that can help ween you off your vaping habit. There are even programs that offer text based support, and guess what — your health insurance might be covering it as they cover many types of cessation program! So make sure to take a look.

What I know is that — when quitting vaping — having someone to talk to can make a real change.

#7 Start Moving Towards Zero Nic Before Quitting Cold Turkey

Now that we covered mental games and decision-making parts, let’s get down to “substances” and our body.

If you are currently smoking and wish to quit via vaping the best advice I can give you is to be structural. Start out with high nicotine levels, similar to regular cigarettes. 

Once you get used to vaping, start to reduce nicotine levels gradually. The plan sounds simple yet, it can backfire if you’re reducing nicotine levels too fast.

So, to paint the picture here; people tend to have relapses because they cut nicotine suddenly. From a pack a day they switch to zero nicotine at all. 

Why is that bad?

Well, you will only shock your metabolism, and the body will notice the absence of nicotine creating really strong cravings. The worst scenario would be to go back to cigarettes instead of vaping.

The trick with this one is to lower nicotine consumption but not so low to alert your body. 

As you take less nicotine, your body will adapt and function with that dosage. As time passes by, if you keep doing this properly, your body will learn to “work” without nicotine.

#8 Choose Vape Juice Flavors You DON’T Like

If you want to quit, choose flavors that won’t give you as much pleasure and will make you think “do I really want to vape that crap right now”

My advice, menthol… When it becomes unappealing to smell, feel and taste like your lungs and throat are continuously on top of some mountain peak you will be on the right track.

It might not make you stop vaping altogether but you will consume less juice throughout the day meaning you’ll use your vaping products less + ingest less nicotine. 

#9 Up Your Distractions Game

Distraction can sometimes be categorized as a substitution but I don’t think so.

Using some means to distract yourself from thinking about smoking or vaping does not mean you will be using that same principle every time you want nicotine. 

To put it simply, distraction is something that you use occasionally, substitution is a more permanent and stable decision.

That’s why you can use some “cake and cookie” distraction but try not to overdo it. It is common knowledge that people tend to put a few kilos/pounds of body weight when they stop smoking or vaping. 

But don’t get alarmed, that is perfectly fine unless you switch from one addiction to the other.

My best advice would be to focus more on “exercise and spending more time playing sports” distractions. While you are out of breath playing basketball I am pretty sure you won’t need your vaporizer. Right?

Another thing you can do, and it’s not as specific as playing sports… a hobby; most of us have an “empty fingers” feeling when we are not vaping. So to overcome that find something that will occupy your hands as well as your mind.

#10 Steel Up For Withdrawals (If You’re Not Off Nicotine Just Yet)


It’s inevitable. Sooner or later, those physical withdrawal symptoms will hit you.

Unfortunately, it’s not something you can avoid, but you can be ready for it.

If you follow everything I told you to this point you will handle it perfectly. One thing you need to keep telling yourself is that it will pass. No matter how hard it is. Just give it some time, and it will pass. This is only happening because your body is used to much nicotine.

Two things you need to do are to stay calm and collected. Your body is battling and you need to help it as much as you can. 

If you never experienced something like this, I will lay down some symptoms that will help you identify withdrawal. I must note that all these symptoms might not happen to you, but just in case.

  1. Headaches
  2. Irritability and restlessness
  3. Nicotine cravings
  4. Increased appetite
  5. Anxiety, depression, and mood swings
  6. Tremors
  7. Trouble concentrating
  8. Difficulty sleeping

Keep in mind that you can combat physical withdrawal symptoms with medication, nicotine patches, and other NRT products. If you’re stressed out and feeling anxious, meditation apps might help, for instance. If things become too difficult, remember – talk to your friends and support network. If things get really bad, you can always phone your doctor and ask for advice. You might benefit from a formal cessation program and professional help in this case.

#11 Get Rid of Your Vaping Products

Okay, you’re still in the early stages — no need to go dumping all your vape gear in the trash just yet!

But… you also don’t want it around you.

Give it to a family member or a friend for safekeeping for a while. When you hit some challenges, don’t call them and ask for it back! In fact, take the different route – tell them immediately to say no if you can’t demonstrate that you’ve at least tied to quit vaping! And for that to happen, a few days need to pass.

If you start hitting your quitting milestones regularly, you can think about trashing your vaping products once and for all.

Most Important Thing? Arm Yourself With Patience!

… because it’s a virtue, many would say. And they are correct.

To quit something you’ve been doing for years is a process that will take some time. You can’t expect to be all good and well in a day. 

I have no doubt in my mind that you are ready to start your journey, but what I want you to do is be real with yourself and set an achievable goal.

Realize that it won’t be a walk in the park and that there will be days when you think you can’t hold on. But, keep moving forward. 

Small setbacks (even if they happen) can’t outweigh your resolve.

That’s it! That’s all I have for you today. If you try to quit vaping, you succeed, and you’re happy — please comment here so that others can be inspired by your example!

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