Calling all dab connoisseurs and terpene aficionados!
Ready to embark on a sizzling journey to discover that elusive temperature sweet spot that will make your cannabis concentrate sing?
As a seasoned dabber, you know that the temperature game is more than just hot or cold; it’s an intricate dance between flavor, potency, and smoothness.
Those treacherous waters between “tepid soup” and “scorching lava pit” are difficult to navigate.
Trust me… I know.
The main reason for that? Most dabbers don’t know why dab temp is such an important factor for different types of concentrates… so they don’t bother dialing it in.
After reading this post, you’ll know better. And after tasting your dabs – especially if you move to a dab pen – you’ll thank sweet Jesus that you do!
Here’s what we’ll cover:
- what are the ideal temperatures for dabs (there are several temp ranges here)
- why most dabbers (myself included) prefer low temp dabs (450 degrees F)
- what affects the temp of your dab (and how to adjust for it)
- why using vape pens and e-rigs (instead of glass rigs) is a no-brainer
- the tools & other effective ways to gauge the temp without burning your dab
But, before we get to all of that, let’s dive deeper into cannabinoid and terpene boiling points, and find out the different effects that low and high heat have on them, and get to the science behind it all.
Grab your torch and your rig — it’s time to dial in those temps and enjoy the ultimate dabber’s delight!
“Heh, Why Should I Even Bother With the Temp?”
If I had a nickel every time someone asked me that question…
Well, I’d have a few nickels, that’s for sure.
The thing is…
Terpenes and cannabinoids, the star components of every weed concentrate, have distinct boiling points.
Think of of these boiling points as activation temperatures:
Terpenes, responsible for the unique flavors and aromas of cannabis have low boiling points, ranging from 310°F to 400°F (154°C to 204°C).
Cannabinoids, like THC and CBD, which contribute to the psychoactive and therapeutic effects, have even lower boiling points around 315°F (157°C) and 356°F (180°C), respectively (but, unlike terpenes, stay relatively stable at higher temps for a brief time).
To take a perfect dab, you need to find that temperature sweet point.

But, what happens to those compounds when you expose these compounds to scorching heat?
They drop dead. Figuratively.
Imagine dropping a juice steak on a glowing ironcast pan. And then just keeping it there for… oh, let’s say… 20 minutes?
You’ll still have meat. Sort of. But you definitely won’t be eating steak that evening.
The goal with dabbing is to aim at making the most out of your product by exposing it to the best temp for it. That’s the only way you’ll get a) the therapeutic effect you’re after, b) the flavor that’s to die for, c) the moral high-ground to lord it over all those schmucks who ruin their dabs.
And since I’m big on flavor, I’m firmly in the low-temp dabbing camp.
Luckily, this isn’t the case of “my way or the highway”, so let’s explore the (several) ideal dabbing temps you might want to try out.
What’s the Perfect Dab Temp?
Or to put it differently, how long is a piece of string?
I know, I know… not helpful.
But the question is wrong.
What you need to ask is: what’s the best dab temp for me?
In this case, the answer depends on whether you’re looking for a head-splitting psychedelic high, an explosion of flavors, or maximum bang for buck.
- You’re a flavor aficionado – to get the most out of those sweet and delectable terps, stay in the 430 – 500° F range.
- You’re a high chaser – your ideal temp (if your lungs can stand it) is anywhere in the 570 – 650° F range.
- You’re a value-for-money buff – waste not, want not (and still get a decent flavor) if you’re in the 550 – 570° F range.
As you can see, different temperatures will help you accomplish different goals.
Now, let’s look – in a bit more detail – what you can expect from each of those different temperatures, as well as what types of concentrates you should use with each one.
Recommended reading: 17 Different Types of Cannabis Extracts and Waxes
Low Temp Dabs
If you’re looking for a delectable experience – if you want those flavors to floor you…to bedazzle you… to make love at the tips of your taste buds – go with low-temp dabs and stick with them.
Going low is a perfect temperature choice for cannabis concentrates with a high terpene concentration.
That’s because these active ingredients really flourish when you don’t drop them in a scorchingly hot dab rig bowl or ceramic nail.
Your best option here is to aim at a low-temperature dabbing range that falls between 430 – 500° F.
When it comes to types of concentrates to use here, you should stick with solventless types(so they didn’t require a solvent like a butane or propane during the extraction process). That’s because they don’t require dewaxing, which usually happens at a way higher temp. A safe bet for lower-temperature dabs are usually diamonds, sauce, sugar, and budder.
For best experience, I recommend equipping your rig or your dab vaporizer pen with a quartz dab nail or a titanium nail. Both will help with evaporation at such a lower temperature.
I will say that low-temp dabs might be wasteful since you will probably end up with a little puddle of oil in your dab bowl that won’t totally evaporate. That said, for me it’s worth it since I go for different flavors than the regular ‘burnt socks’ that are provided by high temp settings.
NOTE: If you’re a fan of lower temperature, you could always try cold-start dabbing as well. Basically, this is reverse dabbing where you preload your concentrate into the bowl BEFORE starting the heat up process. The good thing about it is that you’ll have a difficult time ruining your dab. Since you’re watching it, you can see it when it starts bubbling and know when to cut off the torch.
Standard Mid-Temp Hits
So, when it comes to mid-range dabbing temperatures, most dab enthusiasts (myself included) dig that sweet spot between 550°F and 570° degrees Fahrenheit (technically different temps… but not much wiggle room there).
It’s called the Goldilocks zone of dab temperatures.
That’s because this range gives you a delightful amount of vapor, a solid balance of flavor, and that entourage effect we all love. Now, I gotta say, depending on the strain’s complexity, the flavor profile might shift a bit. You won’t get the fullness of the flavor that you get with low temperature.
But, that said, you won’t get any as much puddling and waste like you will with lower temps.
And the high is pretty decent, too.
The tried-and-true concentrates for these mid-temp dabs are various hashes. You can’t go wrong with ice wax or hash rosin, pull and snap, or anything else that’s high-melt. Similar to low-heat dabs, these solvent-free concentrates don’t need a ton of heat, and they skip the whole dewaxing process that other solvent-based concentrates go through.
For most people, this is THE right temperature range because it’ s a blend of both worlds. But, as I said, it’s a matter of personal preference, and you will have to make the decision for yourself (and the type of concentrate you’re using).
High-Temp Dabs
There are monsters out there that get their bangers red-glow hot (above 800° F) before dropping their dab in.
I know… I was shocked, too!
Look, there are legitimate reasons for hot dabs and higher temperatures. Not many… but a few that astute Redditers pointed out. And here they are:
- You want a strong head high – the higher the temp, the more vapor you get. What follows is that you’ll get a stronger head high just due to the amount you inhale.
- You don’t want any waste at all – you really really love your product and you don’t want to see any puddling whatsoever. After all, you paid for it. Why would you want it to go to waste?
- You’re 100% sure your nail doesn’t heat up equally – in that case, you want it a bit warmer so it doesn’t matter where the dab hits when it goes in.
- You’re using a high THCA extract – it has to decarb before it turns into THC… and one of the good ways to do it fast is to expose it to a high enough temp.
That said… there’s still no reason to go above 650° degrees Fahrenheit!
In fact, frequent dabbing at above 600°F is particularly dangerous since the more abrasive, hotter vapor (a direct results of higher temperatures) can harm lung tissue and exacerbate respiratory issues. A high-temperature dab can be dangerous sometimes… but is most certainly unpleasant always… and it will screw up your throat.
Why Go E-Rigs for Low Temperature Dabbing
First of all, e-rigs are brilliant and provide the best results in some cases.
And most of those cases come into play for low-temp dabs.
E-rig is a device designed to consume cannabis extracts. The way it operates is by heating the bowl with a battery rather than a torch. During dabbing with an e-rig, you have full temperature control in most cases. And that’s by far the best way to find your perfect dab temperature. Some of the best dabs I’ve ever had were with the use of dab vaporizer pens, such as our Lobi pen, which allows you to dial in your best dabbing temperature.
Looking for a Good Dab Experience That Won’t Break the Bank?
Stop messing around with torches & guesstimating your temperature with Lobi

Get Yours Today & Elevate Your Dabbing Experience (Click Here)
There is some division in the community about how correct the temps readings are in most dab pens. And I will say that there’s some merit to this because they won’t work if you blast them on the highest temperature (in those cases, they can be off by quite a lot). But, for the purposes of lower-temperature dabs, it works a treat because you’re not stressing out the device.
What Affects the Temp of Your Dab?
There’s a lot that goes into figuring out dabbing temperature – dialing it in so it’s perfect every single time you sit down for a session. Here are those things… and a couple of hot tips you can take away and apply immediately.
- the gear that you’re using – consider your rig, your nail, and the carb cap you’re using. Is the nail quartz? I will hold heat better so it needs less torch treatment. Ceramic nails heat up slower… but retain heat longer, making them perfect for low-temp dabbing. If you’re using a carb cap, you don’t have to go crazy with the heat source, even if you’re adding a lot of material (the heat won’t have anywhere to escape).
- your heat-up / cooldown times – measure them. That’s all I have to say. If you want to nail your perfect dabbing temperature. If a nail is a blazing red, that is a sign that it is excessively hot. Track how your gear from various materials is behaving and note it down. Soon, you’ll be able to make a pretty good educated guess about the temp range just by looking at the bowl and doing some light math in your head.
Here are a few ways to measure the temp of your banger:
- guess by the color of the banger – glowing red means you’re approaching the 900F mark, depending on the material… which isn’t where you want to be. Still, that’s where you want the banger before letting it cool off. For quartz banger and glass, the cooldown takes around 30 seconds (when it’s around 450F), and for ceramic and titanium you’ll want to wait 45-50 seconds to get to the same optimal temperature (that’s the main difference).
- start using an e-rig and an e-nail – using a heating coil and computerized control box, an electric nail gives the most control over the nail’s temperature. And while it might cost a bit more, an e-nail provides quick heating and steady temps for tasty hits with no hassle. It’s by far the most secure and efficient method of finding the best temperature.
- invest in a terp timer – so a terp timer, isn’t exactly a timer, it’s really a temperature gauge for your banger. Most work via laser that can detect temp. It then beeps to notify you when the banger reaches your preset temperature. Here’s how it looks like:
Terp timers are easy to use… and can save you a lot of hassle. - get a temperature gun – by far the easiest and moost precise method of measuring the heat of a dabbing surface from a safe distance without running the risk of getting burnt. A digital display makes sure you get a readout simply by pulling the trigger and you’re likely to hit your optimum temperature.
Ready to Make the Most of Your Potent Product?
Now that we are wrapping this up, what I’d like for you to take from this…
First of all, the definition of the ideal temperature for dabbing depends on who you ask.
But, if you’re in it for the flavor, finding the perfect dab temperature is easy. It’s in the 430 – 500° F range.
Now you just have to play around and see where your sweet spot falls.
And if you want more of a high?
By all means, turn it up. But remember – it’s a trade-off. So you have to ask yourself – am I a flavor person?
Or am I a high hunter?
The choice is yours.
Looking for a Good Dab Experience That Won’t Break the Bank?
Stop messing around with torches & guesstimating your temperature with Lobi

Get Yours Today & Elevate Your Dabbing Experience (Click Here)