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The Best Temperature for Vaping THC & CBD Carts Revealed

temp ranges for cannabis oil

If you’re just stepping into the world of THC or CBD cart vaping, one of the most important things you need to get a handle on is your vaping temperature range.


Well, because vape temp matters, even when you’re not using a plant product. In fact, I would argue that it matters, even more, when you’re using carts because you’re mostly looking for health benefits and therapeutic effects in this case. Whatever the primary psychoactive component and active ingredients you’re after (THC or CBD, or any of the other cannabinoids and terpenes), it’s the temp that determines how much of them you’re going to get in the end.

Looking to make the most out of your CBD and THC cartomizers?

Check out Mist – easy to use, easy to love & and hits all 

the sweet spots thanks to its variable voltage feature!

The Kind Pen

Get Your Hands On the Award-Winning Mist Cart Vaporizer Right Here

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a beginner vaper ruin their product by using a less than ideal temperature. This is a different vaping experience from using dry herbs (like weed) or vape juice, and it should be treated as such.

With that in mind, let’s take a look a how you should rig your vaping device so that you’re using the optimal temperature for the effect that you’re after. But, before we dive into that, let’s explore why it’s important for you to use the best vape temperature in your CBD and oil vape sessions.

When (& Why) Is Temp Important When Vaping Cannabis Carts?

Let’s first deal with the ‘when’ of this question.

When you’re vaping CBD or THC for medicinal purposes – relaxation, anti-inflammatory effects, to curb anxiety – it’s very important to use temperature to target the specific active ingredients. This isn’t to say that you don’t want to control your vaping temperature even if you’re doing it for the buzz or the flavor – you do. But it’s not so crucial to do so in this case.

Now, to move on to the ‘why’…

Simply put, the chemical structure of cannabis consists of different chemical compounds that all have different boiling points. The boiling point of THC (actually, its evaporation point) is 157 degrees centigrade / 315 degrees Fahrenheit. CBD has a different evaporation point. And various terpenes (compounds responsible for the flavor) have boiling points all over the place.

For more on terpenes and why they’re important, check out this post on cannabis terpenes.

Depending on what you want to hit & extract, you’re going to have to find the best range of temperature.

Let’s dive into the best vape temp for THC.

Best Temp for THC Carts

The optimal temp to vape THC on is 157 degrees centigrade / 315 degrees Fahrenheit. This is THC’s lowest boiling point, which means that it evaporates at this point but maintains its molecular structure.

If you’re looking for the benefits of THC – either medicinal or social – this is the right temp that you should use. You won’t waste any of your product, and you’ll evaporate all the THC that’s in your oil. Since this is a relatively low temp, you’ll also enjoy warm vapor and a lot of terpene-y goodness (because most terpenes have an evaporation point around this level).

NOTE: With oils, the right vape temp gets a bit tricky. THC will sublimate at lower temperatures because it’s mixed with a carrier oil. So if you can’t get up to 315F, don’t worry – you’re still getting a lot of benefits from your vaping.

Once you start going to higher temperatures, this cannabis chemical compound starts to protest. It can completely degrade or experience a heightened conversion to CBN. So if you want to make sure you’re getting all the benefits of cannabis’ main psychoactive ingredient while vaping it in oil form, keep the temperature below 450 F. 

Best Temp for CBD Carts

CBD as a cannabinoid doesn’t have a set boiling point. It’s a temperature range between 160-180°C range (320-356 F).

This means that you need to set your device to slightly different settings when using CBD. There’s no ideal setting, though – anything in that range will do, and you will have to experiment to find what works for your specific product. So here it’s less about precise control and more about not exposing CBD to the highest temperatures your device can produce.

A general rule for vaping CBD is to keep the temperature close to 320F. This is the best vaping temperature in case you’re using a cart that contains some THC and you want to make sure you’re getting a better flavor. While there’s no single best temperature, you’ll get the biggest impact if you stick to this good range.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure not to go overboard with temp – your medium temperature setting will do. Vaping CBD at too high of a temperature, it’s going to start to degrade and you’ll get different effects than what you’re looking for. So try to keep it under 350F if you’re going for the health benefits.

How About Terpenes?

When it comes to terpenes, there’s no single perfect temperature. Most of them evaporate at different temperatures.

If your CBD or THC carts comes infused with different terpenes (as many do), this is a great way to get to the best flavor and try for the best taste of your product. 

However, some terpenes shine at a lower temperature; others really pop out at higher temps. Here’s a vaping temperature chart that will help you figure out the minimum temperature needed for evaporation of the most important terpenes. 

terpenes temperature ranges

A good place to start is to look for oils that contain terpenes with similar boiling points to the key cannabinoid you’re going after. That’s the best way to make sure that you’re hitting two birds with one stone, so to speak.

The Differences Between Vaping Dry Herb & THC and CBD Carts

There are many differences here, but some of the biggest ones include:

#1) Ability to tailor your vaping experience – you can choose oils that contain exactly what you want, and nothing else. So if you don’t like too much CBD or too much THC, you can easily work around that.

#2) No need for extra precision – when vaporizing dry herb, you need to be very precise with your temp settings. This isn’t true when you’re vaping on oils because your main ingredients are mixed in with a carrier oil and will evaporate even if you don’t hit the exact temperature.

#3) Taste is cleaner – there’s no combustion with vaping oils like there is with vaping weed. This means that you’re not burning the cannabis plant and producing a ton of harmful substances. You can even use higher temperature ranges and still get the desired effect and medical benefits you are after.

#4) Easier to set the right tempdry herb vaporizers don’t really do temp setting all as well. Even at lower temps, they can burn your product if the device is not using convection heating. There’s no such danger with oils.

#5) Fewer side effects – experienced users swear by this method. While it’s not one-size-fits all, oil vaping is the best approach if you don’t want to deal with the undesired effects of smoking too much THC and getting buzzed. It’s an enjoyable experience that most vape enthusiasts gravitate to when they don’t want to deal with side-effects.

Ready to Move on to Cannabis Carts?

Nowadays it’s easy to play around with temperature when vaping oil because most vape devices let you dial into a specific temperature. 

The main reason why you’d want to make the switch to vaping oils is convenience – less fiddling, less time wasted, milder effects with a buzz that you can control (especially if you’re looking at the health benefits side of things) and a much cooler experience!

That said, dry herb vaping has its benefits – check out this post to find out more about the best dry herb vaping temperatures!

If you’re looking to upgrade your experience, make sure to give the Kind Pen vapes a try. Our Mist vaporizer could just be the right product for you:

Looking to make the most out of your CBD and THC cartomizers?

Check out Mist – easy to use, easy to love & and hits all 

the sweet spots thanks to its variable voltage feature!

The Kind Pen

Get Your Hands On the Award-Winning Mist Cart Vaporizer Right Here

6 thoughts on “The Best Temperature for Vaping THC & CBD Carts Revealed

  1. bfcurran55 says:

    I’m in my late 60’s and of course, been around the block a few times. I purchased my Kind Pen a few years ago and it’s still rockin’ it. This has been the best dry herb vape pen I’ve ever tried and after some time now as a Kind Pen owner, I feel I’ve earned some cred. It holds its charge, small, black, and elegant. I’ve kept it clean (per instructions and it is serving me well. So much so, I’ve never had to take advantage of the impressive product warranty. Saving my pennies now to get the Mist to try oils.

  2. Brian Matterson says:

    Can someone answer the age of old question of what is the best “voltage” for your THC vape? Is there a difference with “Live Resin” voltage? Since most pens use voltage numbers… I’m glad I learn that I need to be a 315 degrees F, but what the heck is that in Voltage?

    • DanA says:

      This is a toughy, Brian.

      Only temp control can approximate a temperature output. With voltage alone and no smart chip, there’s too many variables: time [how long is current running through wire], wire resistance, type of wire, and more. The best I can tell you is that we suggest to our customers to vape at 4.2v, hold the button down until vapor starts flowing, and then to pulse [hit and release the power button] to stay approximately at around 300-340F.

      Hope this helps!

  3. john says:

    I bought The mist a couple weeks ago it’s awesome, how long should you charge the battery for it to be fully charged??? Thanks for your help with my question.

    • DanA says:

      Hey John!

      The Mist is a 500mAh battery. You should charge it with the USB cable that’s provided with the kit, and it should get to a full charge in about 1.5 to 2 hours.

      Thanks for using The Kind Pen!

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