Are you enjoying cannabis dabs?
If you are, you might enjoy dab pens and rigs – the ultimate way to do dabs on the go.
They’re easy… they’re portable… and they’re fun.
But, they can be tricky – especially if you’ve never used a vape before. How tricky… but there are some parts – like the atomizer which acts like the ‘nail’ – that you need to know about.
In this post, you’ll find out what dab atomizers are, how they work [especially in dab pens], and what makes them go ‘bad’, so to speak.
So let’s get to it.
Jiggy – Our 3-in-1 Vape Device That Handles Wax, Oils & E-Juice
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What Is an Atomizer?
An atomizer (or an atomizer coil) is a small part of an electronic cigarette that heats up the material and turns it into vapor. There are different types of atomizers – wicked, wickless, dishes, and so on. Generally, all vape juice atomizers are wicked. This means that they have a casing and a heating element in the middle of them. A piece of cotton is threaded through that coil and it absorbs the vape juice, allowing for easier evaporation. Replacing these atomizers is easy and there are telltale signs to watch out for that will let you know when the time is right (we’ll get to them in a minute).
What Is a Wax Atomizer?
A wax atomizer is an atomizer used to vaporize various cannabis waxes and concentrates. It’s used in wax pens and dab pens. It serves the same purpose as in all other portable vapes – it’s a heating element that houses a chamber where you pack the goodies with a dab tool. It then heats up and voila! – you get to enjoy. However, wax vaporizers are notoriously difficult to clean, and you need to take proper care of them. This means regular cleaning of all parts to get rid of stubborn residue. Remember – a clean vape is a happy vape. So stick to the regular cleaning routine that I’m about to describe below.
Different Types
Replacing wax atomizers can be a bit trickier, if only because there are different types on the market.
These atomizers have a cotton wick threaded through a coil. They are used for low-viscosity oils and wax and can get very dirty, very fast. Since it’s difficult to clean these vape coils or to change the wicking, wicked wax atomizers need to be replaced on a regular basis.
A wickless vaporizer is usually used with thicker materials (usually by dabbers). In most cases, these vaporizers last a bit longer than wicked ones and are easier to clean because they use ceramic or quartz rods which don’t gunk up as fast. The best way to clean them is to use a small cotton cloth, a pipe cleaner, and cotton swabs dipped in warm water and iso alcohol.
Ceramic dishes
These atomizers have no heating coils, which in the long run, makes them a great pick. Since they have a really easy cleaning process (no wicks or coils that can be burned or distorted hence no burnt coil), there’s no need to replace them that often. However, you still need to properly maintain all components. Since they are basically a dish with a large surface area, a good rule of thumb would be to regularly remove any hardened wax that’s bound to cling to them.
Now that you understand the types of atomizers, it’s time to see how long they usually last. This depends on the type, so before you decide to replace your vaporizing device in search of clean hits, it’s important that you peek under the hood to see if there is any leftover residue that needs cleaning.
How Long Do These Last?
There really is no telling how long an atomizer will last before it needs to be replaced. In the best case scenario, you’re going to get a couple of months of use out of it at least. This is especially true for wickless atomizers and ceramic dishes. That said, wicked atomizers don’t have that much time in the bag. On average, most atomizers last between two to four weeks if you’re not overdoing it.
A couple of things will determine the longevity of an atomizer:
- Quality of materials and make – there are several different types of wires that can be used in coil construction. Titanium and stainless steel wires will last the longest, and NiChrome wires tend to burn out relatively fast because they are softer. Also, a solidly built atomizer from a good manufacturer that uses high-quality individual components will outlast any atomizer that has been shoddily put together.
- A high power setting – if you’re running your vape on high wattage, you’re going to notice more wear and tear on your atomizers.
- How often you vape – this one is pretty obvious, but it goes without saying that if you vape often and with abandon, you can expect your atomizers to last less. The lifespan of an atomizer should be measured in how many hours of use you got from it, as opposed to how many days went by since you installed it.
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When Is The Time To Replace It?
An atomizer that needs to be replaced will leave no doubt about it. If you’re experiencing any of the circumstances described below, then it’s high time to get yourself a new coil.
- Burnt taste – there’s nothing worse for a vaper than burnt hits. They taste and smell like a burning dumpster and immediately put you off of vaping. Burnt coil hits can be caused by abusing the power button and running your vaping device on the highest temperature possible and viscous vape juice, but if that’s not it, then the culprit might be your atomizer. Over time, atomizer coils will develop hot spots (areas of intense heat) that will just burn everything that comes into contact with them. When that happens, it’s time to replace the atomizer head with a new one.
- Leakage – wicked atomizers can start to leak when the cotton inside them is disturbed, twisted out of shape, or burnt. Leakage is a big problem because it can damage your battery, so it needs to be dealt with straight away. Check if you’re overflooding your coil (for vape juice) or using too much resin, wax concentrate, or oil – if that’s not it, check the cartridge or replace the atomizer just to be on the safe side.
- Gunk build-up – over time, every atomizer will start to gunk up with leftover sticky residue, even the wickless ones. That’s the main reason they need to be cleaned regularly. However, there’s not much you can do with a gunked up wick and, eventually, you will need to replace the atomizer. As to when, that will depend on whether the gunk is affecting the flavor (and in most cases, it will).
- Clogged airflow – with wax atomizers, it’s important to keep an eye on airflow holes. Wax is a sticky substance, and if it clogs the airflow holes on your atomizer it will render it useless. Check and clean them regularly – if there’s too much residue build-up, there won’t be much you’ll be able to do, even with a great cleaning method.
- Horrible taste – sometimes, there’s just no good reason that your atomizer head needs replacing. However, the taste is horrible and you’re getting very harsh hits. If everything is ok with your vape material (you didn’t change it), this is a sign that it’s time to order a replacement pen.
Wait…Can You Clean Your Wax Atomizers?
Wicked atomizers are difficult to clean, especially those used in vape juice tanks. On the other hand, cleaning wax atomizer heads is easier because their coils are exposed (or they don’t even use coils, as in the case of ceramic dishes).
Here are five simple ways to clean them. Give these steps a go before you throw your hands up in despair and throw money at new products.
- Q tips and isopropyl alcohol – coils are pretty sensitive and should be handled with care. One way to clean them safely is to arm yourself with cotton swabs, warm water, distilled water, rubbing alcohol, and a lot of patience. Dip the Q-tip in alcohol and gently clean out the inside of the atomizer, taking extra care not to bend the coil out of shape. Repeat the process until you’ve removed as much gunk as you can.
- The paperclip method – if you’re dealing with clogged airflow and caked gunk, you might need something stronger than alcohol. This is where a paperclip comes in. Unravel a paperclip, wrap it in a paper towel, and gently poke out the gunk out of the air holes. You can then (slowly) scrape the gunk off of the coil with it, but take extra care not to do any damage. You can also use a pipe cleaner or a small cleaning brush, if you have them.
- Burn off excess wax – the simplest way to remove wax from your coil is to simply burn it off. Without adding any extra material onto the coil, dry burn it until it glows red. Then simply take a cotton swab and scoop off the remaining residue. Keep in mind that you shouldn’t be doing these burn-off sessions too often, as high temperatures might damage your wax atomizer [especially if it’s a new atomizer].
- Blow out your atomizer – sometimes, the simplest solutions are the best solutions. If you’re struggling with a clogged airflow, simply blowing out your atomizer might do the trick and dislodge that resinous buildup. Remember to do it when the atomizer has had the time to cool off otherwise, you’re in for one scalding hot surprise. Pay extra attention to connections and threads around your vape tank — you want to clean them as well for best performance.
- Soak your atomizer – fill a bowl with hot water and add some rubbing alcohol to it. Now, simply submerge your atomizer inside and let it sit for a few hours. This is a great low-maintenance method for cleaning those really, really dirty atomizer heads and dirty vapes; however, it’s not recommended for wicked coils. If you do decide to get the wick wet, make sure to let it dry completely before using that atomizer again. After your atomizer has had the time to soak, clean it with a Q-tip – it should go a lot easier now. This is a good idea to use on your mouthpiece if it ever becomes intolerably filthy.
Waste Not, Want Not – But Replace When the Time is Right
If you throw away your atomizers at the slightest hint of trouble, you’re looking at spending a lot of money on replacements and wax pen fixes. Vape gear maintenance is the essential part of vaping, and you should be willing to spend a bit of time every week keeping your vapes and coils in tip-top shape.
That said, know when it’s time to throw in the towel. If you can’t get a good flavor from your atomizer, or if the residue is so baked in that it won’t budge, it’s time to admit defeat and get a replacement. Do you have any tips on how to easily clean atomizers (vape juice or wax)? If so, please leave a comment – we’d love to hear from you.
Jiggy – Our 3-in-1 Vape Device That Handles Wax, Oils & E-Juice
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