As a beginner vaper, you’re probably wondering what you need to do to keep your vape pen clean and functioning normally. As with any new piece of equipment, you want to make sure that you’re doing everything right.
And after reading this post, you will be.
These helpful tips will make it easy for you to keep your vape device in tip-top shape. Of course, you want to make sure that you perform due diligence after every use. That means that you will have to devote a minute or two to proper cleaning on a regular basis if with these easy steps
Why is a clean vape pen important?
Well, there are several reasons why you should do regular maintenance to keep your vaping kit clean:
- Long run – your vaping device will last longer with proper maintenance
- Only properly cleaned vapes are covered by a warranty
- Regular cleaning ensures great taste every time
- Clean pen equals clean vapor – clean hits don’t deliver harmful substances in the vapor
There are hundreds of different types on the market, but we can neatly classify them all into three different categories. The categorization is done in respect to the vaping material that a particular pen was designed for:
- Vape juice pens – used for evaporating e liquid.
- Dry herb vape pens – used with dry materials.
- Concentrate vape pens – used with shatter, wax, and resin.
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Cleaning techniques for all of these vaporizers are pretty similar. However, there are slight variations that need to be observed because some of them are more sensitive than others. A good rule of thumb would be to clean your e juice pens every time you change the flavor. It would also be a good idea to change the atomizer at that time to avoid mixing flavors. In case you prefer to stick to a single flavor for a long time, the best case scenario is to clean the whole thing (tank and everything) at least once a week to avoid residue build-up and vape pen problems.
As for dry herb and concentrate devices, you should clean them more often. Wax and oils are solid concentrates, so your chamber will get serious sticky residue if not cared for properly. dry herb vaporizers, on the other hand, have a metal mesh in the chamber (most of them) that can get clogged up with leftover residue if left unattended. Empty it after every use and make time for regular, once a week thorough cleanings.
How to Clean Your E-Juice Vape
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It’s always smart to familiarize yourself with the anatomy of your e-juice vape pen and its different components. It helps during use and is especially useful when you sit down to clean it. Most devices are simple – they have a battery part and a tank. The tank houses an atomizer that heats up vape juice and evaporates it.
There are two different types of e-juice vaporizers – with a detachable vape tank and those with an integrated one and battery. If you have an integrated device, cleaning will be challenging. Since you can’t wash electronic components under running water or soak them, you’re going to have to clean them with a damp Q-tip or alcohol wipes so it might take a little while.
Vapes with a detachable tank are a lot easier to clean.
- Your first step will be to disassemble the tank and remove it from the battery. Make sure to remove the atomizer from the vape tank if you plan on using it again – if it gets wet, you’re going to have to wait until any excess water dries out.
- Take the tank carefully apart until you have the lower and upper base, airflow control ring, glass, O-rings, and mouthpiece. Put all the parts in a bowl of warm water and give them a nice, good soak – add a bit of isopropyl alcohol, vinegar, or baking soda mixed with pure lemon juice if they are really dirty.
- After about an hour of soaking, take a small toothbrush or any small cleaning brush and give everything a good scrubbing.
A damp cloth to clean the battery will do the trick and make sure to soak any excess liquid that stays on it since you don’t want to damage the circuitry. - Take a cotton swab aka Q-tip and wipe down the connectors on both the tank and the battery. Also, check if there’s any residual liquid on the battery – if there is, your tank might be leaking so check for that and replace it if necessary.
- To expedite the dry-out process, a paper towel is a go-to to wipe down all individual components. Leave them unassembled for a couple of hours and then put them back together. You now have a clean one that’s going to work like clockwork!
How to Clean a Vape for Herbs
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There’s a slight difference between e-juice and dry herb pens. Dry herb vape pens also have lithium-ion batteries but they do not use a tank. What they have instead is a heating chamber that is loaded with dry material. Naturally, the cleaning process is going to differ in this case. Be careful when cleaning dry herb devices – all the individual parts are sensitive, but the vape coil is especially so and you do not want to disturb it and render your pen useless.
- Prepare the cleaning materials before taking your device apart – have a small bowl of water (for cleaning the mouthpiece), a brush, Q-tips, and paper towels on a table in front of you.
- Carefully disassemble every part of the vape pen, making sure to gently remove the cartridge and empty it out on a paper towel. The trick is NOT to do this over a bin or a trash can because you need to keep an eye out for the metal mesh that’s inside. If you lose it, you’re going to have to purchase a new one before using the vaporizing device again.
- Tap on the chamber to expel all the material from it. After that, clean it with a small brush – a brush will usually come with it but if it didn’t, you can use a toothbrush or a pipe cleaner as well. Really get in there to remove even the most stubborn residue that might be clinging to the chamber. Do the same with the mesh. It’s important not to use clean water or rubbing alcohol on the chamber unless the user manual explicitly states that it’s permissible.
- Gently clean around, making sure not to bend or break anything.
- Put the mouthpiece in water to soak for a while and then use a Q-tip to clean it on the inside. You can sometimes use a bit of rubbing alcohol or vinegar to make sure you get all the bacteria that can accumulate there.
- Take the chamber portion and the battery and clean the connectors with a Q-tip. There will sometimes be a bit of residue on them, which might interfere with the connection so it’s important to check every once in a while.
- Put the device back together and use a damp cloth to wipe it down, again making sure not to get the battery too wet. Dry it off with a paper towel and it will be ready for your vaping sessions once again!
How to Clean a Wax Vape Pen
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Concentrate vaporizers – also called dab vape pens – can have three different types of atomizers – wicked, wickless, and flat. While some vape users clean each type differently (operating under the assumption that flat atomizers can be cleaned with a bit less care), it’s always smart to approach the cleaning of all concentrate ones with the same level of care. In addition to the atomizer, every type also has a mouthpiece and a battery.
Wax atomizers are the trickiest to clean because wax, shatter, and resin are all sticky and can really get caked in there. Expect to clean them a bit longer than you would others.
- The first thing you need to do is turn your device on and get it to a high temperature. As it heats, the material inside will become runny and easier to clean. If you don’t give it too much heat, the residue will be sticky, and definitely more difficult to get a clean vaporizer.
- After you get it to an adequate temp, it’s time to turn it off and take out the atomizer. Use a Q-tip soaked in rubbing alcohol or a dab tool and gently clean the inside of the chamber. You’re going to have to repeat the process several times until you get there, but this is the best way to do it.
- Cleaning the coil can be a bit tricky since you don’t want to accidentally break it. Use a Q-tip and slow, gentle motions. You can add a bit of alcohol (not too much) to expedite the process.
- Wax and other concentrates can seep down to the battery part and get on the connectors of the battery and the heating element. It’s important to clean them if you wish to avoid an issue such as dirt and cannabis residue interfering with the connection.
- If you can detach the mouthpiece, the easiest way to clean it is to soak it in warm water. If not, use a Q-tip to clean it to the best of your ability. Set all the pieces on a cotton cloth or paper towel and give them time to dry out. After an hour or so, assemble your concentrate device and vape on!
From personal experience, as a heavy vaper, I can say that clean pens last longer and provide you with the best experience. Nobody likes a dirty vape, and the best part is that the cleaning doesn’t take much – around 30 minutes every week – and when you do it the number of times I did, it will take less than that. A clean atomizer ensures you’ll puff longer and your device won’t go dead on you when you need it the most.
How do you get yours clean? Let us know in the comments and share your wisdom with other vapers – we’re sure they will appreciate your insights!