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8 Mistakes You’re Making With Your Weed Vaporizer & How to Fix Them

The Kind Pen

Have you ever tried to use your dry herb e-cig only to find that you’re getting really horrible results?

Overcooked product, nonexistent taste, hardly any vapor at all – or a bunch of other similar problems that completely ruined your vaping session.

If you’ve answered yes to this question, don’t beat yourself about it. We were all beginners at one point, making a bunch of silly mistakes that made our cannabis and weed vaping expensive and less pleasurable than it ought to be. Luckily, it’s been awhile since vaporizing entered the global scene, so you can now benefit from the knowledge of hundreds of vapers who’ve gone through all of it before and came up with this list of common dry herb vaping mistakes and their solutions.

Before I go into the nitty-gritty of those solutions, I want to tell you that most weed vaping problems disappear if you’re using the right gear. So if you’re on the market for a portable vape – that’s a convection vaporizer, too boot – make sure to give TruVa Mini 2.0 a try. You won’t find a better marijuana vaping device on the market today!

Looking for a Top Shelf Dry Herb Vaporizer?

Give TruVa Mini 2.0 a try today & you’ll never need another vape again!

truva mini - the kind pens flagship dry herb vape

Order Your TruVa Mini Today to Enjoy AND Save Your Herb (Click Here)

Let’s get to it.

8 Ways You’re Ruining Your Flower Vaping Sessions

Vaping on cannabis and other dry product is a bit tricker than your run-of-the-mill vape e-liquid vaping. Since we’re dealing with a live gift of nature here (well, the herb was alive at one point!), it’s important to treat it with respect if you want to see good vaping results. So, without further ado, here’s a list of things to avoid when vaping on dry herbs.

Using Cannabis E-Juice & Concentrates in Your Device

morpheus meme

Morpheus really puts it the best – assumption is truly the mother of all fuck ups. Using a dry herb vaping devices (portable or desktop, it doesn’t matter) as a one-size-fits-all is a great way to bust it. For example, TruVa Mini is a single-purpose vaporizer – trying to load it with vape juice of any kind would be tricky and could mess up your heating chamber, which means that you would have to replace it. First-time vapers need to know this because this because these things cost serious money… and you don’t want to be replacing them all the time.

Now, it’s true that some vaporizers can be used for multiple vaping materials. These will usually be marketed as such and will come with a slightly higher price tag. However, they will also have additional parts (a ceramic chamber, a ceramic rod, a heating element fit for the purpose) that will need to be swapped out once you change from dry herbs to oils or cannabis dabs, and back.

The moral? Check the instructions for your vaporizer before experimenting with it. If it’s designed to take anything other than dry herb, it will be clearly stated. If it’s not, stick to vaping dry herbs only with it.

Going In at a Temperature That’s Either Too High or Too Low

The eternal question – to crank the temp up or to leave it really low? Many a vaper ruined batches of the ‘good stuff’ experimenting with this particular facet of vaping. However, there is an answer and it’s – it depends on the different herbs you’re vaping on! But there is such a thing as wrong temperature.

What, that’s not helpful?

Alright then, let’s take a look at marijuana specifically. According to available studies, the best temperature range for vaping marijuana is between 175 C to 200 C (347 to 392 F). It was found that cannabinoids and terpenes extraction reaches a perfect balance at this point. That’s around where you’ll get the best performance. If you want to know more, here’s a whole post on the right temp for vaping marijuana bud.

Of course, you’re still going to have to experiment a bit because different vaporizers behave differently, but that’s the general range you should aim for. Anything less and you will be underutilizing your herb and getting really low vapor content; anything more, and there’s a chance that your herb will start burning, which will leave a really bad taste in your mouth. Keep in mind that higher temperatures will most likely destroy very sensitive buds, especially if you’re going for the best flavor. So it’s best to vaporize those at lower temperatures.

Not Cleaning It… Ever

Cleanliness is next to godliness, especially if you’re using your vaporizer often. It doesn’t matter if it’s a portable or a desktop unit, it’s important to give your vaporizer the attention it deserves after every use. It’s still an electronic device that goes through a vaporizing process & things get dirty, especially the heating element and the atomizer

This doesn’t mean that you need to clean it thoroughly following every one of your sessions – that would be way too excessive. However, making sure to empty and wipe the chamber is a good idea. After a number of sessions (or let’s say, after a week, if you’re not a heavy vaper), it would be good to devote around half an hour to cleaning.

Follow this procedure for optimal results:

  • Disassemble your vaporizer
  • Remove the dry herb material that’s inside
  • Check the manual
  • If permissible, soak the components in water & isopropyl alcohol
  • Use a gentle brush to thoroughly clean every component
  • Leave everything out to dry and then wipe down with a cloth

Inhaling All Wrong (Remember, You’re Not Smoking)

There’s a lot to be said about how you vape your dry herbs.

You want to take shallow, small, deliberate puffs… and not inhale like you’re fighting for breath. Inhaling too fast (or too forcefully) can burn your herb. It will also mess up your pack – e.g. how you’ve packed the herb inside the bowl (more on that below). And lastly, taking huge inhales will simply waste your product – you can’t possibly gulp down that much vapor, which means that you’ll be exhaling it before it had a chance to percolate in your lungs. And that’s just a bloody shame because this is not cigarette smoke.

So small, shallow puffs. Hold it. Draw it to your lungs. Hold. Exhale. That’s it – now rinse and repeat!

Overpacking Your Chamber (Or Packing It Too Loosely)

Both packing tightly and packing too loosely can result in an unsatisfying vape session, so you need to be careful with that. Packing too much herb crowds the bud, which results in heat not being able to permeate it as it should. When that happens, the herb in the chamber is not treated equally and that can result in waste.

On the other hand, if you pack the chamber too loosely, there’s a chance that the herb will ‘dance around’ in it, which can also result in a bad vape session. Aim for the golden middle – don’t jam more into a vaping chamber than it can naturally fit, but also, don’t leave it half empty. Fill to the top, remove excess, and see how your vaporizer is handling it. Then simply adjust the amount up or down until you’re satisfied.

 Not Paying Attention to Your Grind

image of a cannabis grinder

In addition to temperature and moisture of the herb, one key thing you need to keep an eye on is its consistency. If you’re smoking your herb, you can get away with pretty much anything – no grind, coarse grind, you name it – it doesn’t really matter. However, if you’re using a vaporizer, things change dramatically.

For best results, use cured herb (not dry as the sand) that has been finely ground. Why fine consistency? Because it’s easier for heat to extract active substances from smaller pieces of material, so having a fine grind is essential. Big chunks of herb will cook unevenly and the end result will not be as nearly as good as with a finely ground botanical. You might be able to get away with medium grind if you don’t pack your chamber too tightly.

My top advice here? Invest in a good grinder… or learn how to chop up flower without a grinder.

Not Knowing What Makes Your Gear Tick

Every dry herb vaporizer is different and it would be unrealistic to expect that different brands, makes, and types will behave in the same way. That’s why it’s important that you learn how your vaporizers perform and apply the advice given above in a manner that will maximize that performance.

For example, the quality of vape on some desktop vaporizers will depend on your inhale technique – the faster you inhale, the less vapor you will get. That’s because their temperature doesn’t reach high enough to cook the herb unless you give it some time. On the other hand, on some you will have to inhale faster, otherwise you risk dry hits and vapor that tastes horrible.

Make sure to read the specifications of your particular device and figure out how to vape so it delivers the best it can deliver.

Using Old, Stale Herb

By far the most common dry herb vaping mistake that I see is people packing their vapes with dusty old herbs!

If your herb is too dry, it’s gonna incinerate in seconds. It’s like kindling, basically – it will go up in flames regardless of the type of vape pen you’re using. That’s why you should always make sure that the herb that you are packing is at least moderately fresh. Fresh herbs have a bit of moisture in them, which keeps them from burning up too fast.

Also, fresh herbs are more potent – you can expect a better buzz from them. And the flavor will also be on point. So the next time you find a months-old stash, shed one lonely tear and toss it out – it’s not worth the harsh throat hit and the horrible flavor. Trust me.


There you have it – 6 most common vaping mistakes and how to sidestep them for maximum pleasure. We hope that these tips will help you get the most out of your best dry herb vaporizers and that we’ve managed to help you solve some of the common problems you might have had.

Make sure to drop down to the comment section and let us know if we’ve missed something that could make your vaping experience even better. Share your vaping hacks freely – we’re sure that a lot of vapers will appreciate them!


Looking for a Top Shelf Dry Herb Vaporizer?

Give TruVa Mini 2.0 a try today & you’ll never need another vape again!

truva mini - the kind pens flagship dry herb vape

Order Your TruVa Mini Today to Enjoy AND Save Your Herb (Click Here)