Ah, the “munchies”—one of the most well-known side effects of recreational cannabis use!
We’ve all been there; after taking a few hits from your weed vaporizer, your appetite skyrockets. You find yourself a slave to junk food cravings. And your body – and your brain – DEMAND you eat everything in sight.
Of course, tomorrow you’re staring in disbelief at that devoured half-gallon ice cream container and demolished bags of chips and other unhealthy snacks, and you’re kicking yourself stupid. You can say goodbye to any hope of weight loss if you continue like that.
You’re not alone – there’s a ton of people out there who enjoy vaporizing a bowl-full of weed in their device, but grapple with the same problem.
I’m one of those people… I often get food cravings caused by marijuana use and out of control blood sugar levels. And – over the years – I’ve learned why they happen and how to control them. So all of these tips and tricks on fighting munchies is something that I’ve tried and it worked. And a bunch of them are backed by solid research, studies, and science, too.
Here they are in a nutshell.
11 ways to stop marijuana munchies:
- Try different strains that have a higher concentration of CBD and THCV
- Drink plenty of water – not juice or tea or soda – just water
- Try carbonated water in a pinch – but again, not soda
- Humulene-high strains could help you fight the munchies
- Eat before you smoke or vape weed… but make it a snack, not a meal
- Fight late-night munchies by giving a chance to healthy snacks
- Get your exercise in on a regular basis (tough sell… but it helps)
- Brush your teeth immediately after smoking or vaping weed
- Increase accountability with the help of your friends
- Keep a strain journal and avoid strains that make you hungry
- Don’t go overboard with your product & you’ll have a great time
But before we get into the details here, let’s take a look at why the munchies and assorted junk food cravings happen in the first place.
Why, Munchies, Whyyyyy???
Honestly, we still don’t know the reason behind the munchies.
In one widely accepted theory, researchers suggest that the munchies are triggered by THC that binds to CB receptors in the brain that influence appetite. When that happens, it increases hunger levels.
Another theory states that marijuana boosts the production of ghrelin, the hunger hormone.
There are other theories as well, but the fact is – we don’t have a definitive answer.
All we know is… different strains affect people differently. One strain can cause a regular user to starve or even green out on it… while another user is completely unphased by it. It’s all about your metabolism.
So knowing that – knowing that you never actually KNOW if and when munchies will hit – it’s best to ready your bag of tricks!
11 Ways to Stop Cannabis Food Cravings Cold in Their Tracks
#1 Try Cannabis Strains High in THCV and CBD
Recent studies and prominent researchers in recent years have shown that THCV, a compound found in cannabis, may be able to suppress appetite.
In a study conducted by the University of Reading, it was discovered that THCV binds to the same receptors in the brain as THC, but has different effects on appetite. One participant in the study said, “I usually eat a lot, but after taking the THCV, I didn’t have any desire to eat.” The same study also found that THCV can help to reduce craving for sweet and fatty foods. This is due to its ability to stimulate the production of hormones that regulate appetite and energy balance, such as leptin and ghrelin.
Other studies found that high CBD strains can have a similar effect because CBD blocks THC from binding to too many CB 1 cannabinoid receptors in the endocannabinoid system. signaling to our mind that we’re hungry. This then stops the feeling of hunger as it acts as an appetite suppressant. Both of these cannabinoids could potentially help people prevent weight gain and regulate their weight in the future. So next time you’re at a dispensary, asking your budtender for a new strain that’s high in both these cannabinoids would be a good idea. Dug’s Varin and Durban Poison are two good choices – you can find our list of best weed strains for vaporizing by clicking on this here link.
Personally, I’ve found that whenever I vape on cannabis strains with high levels of THCV and drink plenty of water, I don’t experience almost any hunger… even if I do go overboard. With that in mind, let’s go to trick #2…
#2 Drink Plenty of Water
Guess what – the simplest trick in the book actually works!
Try drinking three glasses of water RIGHT now and see if you still have the will to live… let alone the will to eat.
And if you don’t trust me, trust the science. According to a study done by the University of Birmingham, drinking a glass of water can reduce food intake by up to 13%.
Now, 13% is ridiculously high so I’m not sure about that.
What I am sure about is that having a pitcher of water next to you when you decide to smoke weed is one of the best ways to prevent munchies. You might be tempted to go for juice, soda, or tea as they taste better, but I would caution you against that – there’s still extra calories in there that you don’t want. Don’t trade your health for the short-term enjoyment of your taste buds. The fact is that water is better for your body in the long-run: better skin, better hair, better teeth, and so on.
#3 Sparkling Water Can Help
In some cases, gallons of water won’t help curb that annoying empty pit feeling you get in your stomach after lighting one up or vaping.
If you’re in this camp, I suggest trying carbonated water. The addition of that ‘spark’ can make you feel fuller without taking a single bite. The great thing about it is that there are no additional calories involved, so you won’t balloon up even if you go overboard. Again, the same advice applies – don’t substitute sparkling water with fizzy drinks. Those things are loaded with extra sugars that won’t help you keep your waistline in check.
#4 Try Humulene High Strains
In addition to high THCV strains, you should look into those strains with a high percentage of humulene terpene.
Humulene is being heavily researched as an appetite suppressant, and early studies show that it can aid with weight loss overall. But is especially good when it comes to preventing additional weight gain!
If you can have your pick, try choosing those strains that are high in both humulene and THCV. Some of them are Love Affair, Animal Mints, Ice Cream Cake, and LA Kush Cake.
#5 Eat BEFORE You Smoke
Eating before vaping weed can help to reduce the intensity of the THC’s hold on you. This is because eating a light snack or small meal before vaping can help to fill the stomach and reduce hunger. Additionally, eating can help to stabilize blood sugar levels, which can help to reduce cravings for sugary and fatty foods. Eating before vaping can also help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can make the munchies worse.
Mind you, don’t do a full meal – that never ends well… especially if it wasn’t already full meal time.
#6 Focus on Healthy Foods

The large part of weight gain through munchies comes down to the food you eat.
It’s always junk food, right?
So there’s a way to combat that.
How about – instead of snarfing down a pizza and inhaling a package of chocolate – you focus on healthy snacks? When you know you’re in for a weed vape pen session, get rid of the unhealthy snacks from your kitchen. Get things like a protein bar, fresh fruits, carrot sticks – whatever will work for you.
The problem with the munchies is that they’re mostly instinctual. They’re a hand to mouth learned response. Your best bet here – if they really grab you – to make sure you have a healthy snack around, regardless of the food taste. Also, it’s a way to add a few years to your life.
[Don’t forget – if you’re vaping weed, you can make snacks from the leftovers. Here’s our guide to spicing your life by putting your already-vaped bud to good use.]#7 Exercise Regularly
Getting a jog in or an hour at the gym on the regular can do wonders for appetite suppression.
Here are just a few related benefits of regular physical activity:
- increases the production of endorphins, which may help to reduce stress and anxiety
- can help to improve sleep quality, which can also help to reduce cravings
- burn calories, which reduces the amount of food consumed as a result of the munchies
- finally , provides a distraction from cravings, which can help to reduce the urge to eat
That’s it.
I know this is a hard sell so I won’t harp on about it… but think about it.
#8 Brush Your Teeth
This is the ultimate munchies trick to try if you don’t want to change your lifestyle.
As soon as you’re done with your smoke or vape session, just go to the bathroom and brush your teeth. Our entire being – our nervous system – is trained to avoid food after cleaning our teeth.
So you just might notice that the hunger goes away completely.
#9 Keep Your Friends Close By…
Accountability and smoking weed friends can help with the munchies by providing support and encouragement.
Having an accountability partner or smoking weed friends results with positive reinforcement and motivation. In a nutshell, they keep you on your toes. These people can also help to provide alternative activities and distractions to help take the focus away from food cravings. Additionally, they can provide moral support so you stay on track and maintain your goals.
#10 Keep a Marijuana Consumption & Effects Journal

Okay, so this will sound dopey… but I’ve been having way better highs ever since I started keeping tracks of how different strains of marijuana affect me.
You don’t have to go overboard – no need to catalog and describe every feeling you get after a puff. What I do is I just mark down the overarching feelings and behaviors I’ve experienced during the high: hungry, excited, euphoric, paranoid, frightened, couch-locked, etc. I recommend getting a prefilled journal with tick-box emotions if you’re that opposed to writing your feelings down!
And that’s it!
Honestly, I was skeptical at first, too… but this method works a treat. And not just to control the munchies. It can also help you pinpoint your best type of cannabis… your go-to ganja… your ultimate marijuana smoke!
#11 Don’t Overdo It & Have Fun
In the end…
The more you vape, the greater the munchies.
So keep that in mind.
If you’re having problems with your after-smoke appetite and you can’t control your urges, I recommend controling your dosage. You can always try out weed microdosing with our favorite pocket-sized vapes, like our Mist vaporizer:
The Mist – the United States’ Mellowest Weed Vaporizer
Perfect for when you want a decent buzz… but want to remain functional and munchieless

Get Your Deezy Today & Enjoy Cannabis the Right Way (Click Here)
That’s it for this post. Keep it EZ… and keep those munchies at bay!