Vaping Better for Cardiovascular Health than Smoking – Ground-breaking Vape Study Confirms

The Kind Pen

A couple of weeks ago, we reported on the new anti-vaping craze that has gripped the nation – the so-called “vaping lung disease”. Vaping took a serious beating as mainstream headlines connected it to more than 1,600 reported hospitalizations and 34 deaths, without ever clarifying how exactly was vaping contributing to this spate of illnesses. As a result, numerous US states have announced bans and restrictions on vaping products, and even President Trump got involved saying that he’s “worried that banning flavored vape products would result in increased illegal sales”.

After months of research, scientists have finally established that the cause of the “vaping illness” is not the simple act of vaping – it’s the vitamin e acetate found in certain brands of disposable THC cartridges. Blaming vaping in general for this would be like blaming the act of eating for sporadic cases of food poisoning (and encouraging people not to eat because of it). Crazy, right?

Still, it’s time for a bit of good news when it comes to vaping!

Earlier this month, vapers and vape-positive scientists scored a victory that you will read very little about in the mainstream media – a credible study found that switching from smoking to vaping has significant cardiovascular benefits!

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This new study was published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology by doctor Jacob George et al, and is titled “Cardiovascular Effects of Switching From Tobacco Cigarettes to Electronic Cigarettes”.

Let’s take a closer look at the results of the study!

Switching to Vaping Helps Improve Cardiovascular Health of Smokers

The study, conducted by Jacob George, a medical doctor and a researcher at the University of Dundee, followed 114 adults, all of them smokers with no signs of cardiovascular disease.

The participants were divided into three groups:

  • 40 smokers who did not wish to quit smoking,
  • 37 smokers who did wish to quit smoking, and were given vaping devices containing nicotine, and
  • 37 smokers who did wish to quit smoking and were given vaping devices containing vape juice but no nicotine.

The researchers then measured arterial stiffness and endothelial function, both well-established predictors for future development of cardiovascular diseases. These parameters allow researchers to measure artery diameter before and after a tight cuff is applied to the arm. The bigger the percentage difference, the healthier the vessels.

Unsurprisingly, the group that continued to smoke showed little to no difference after a month.

But, when researchers measured the diameter of vessels of both groups that were given vaping devices (also after just 1 month of use), they noted a 20% relative improvement in blood vessel diameter. In fact, researchers concluded that they were halfway to having “normal” blood vessels, that is to say, blood vessels similar to those of non-smokers.

The result was the same for both groups, regardless of whether or not they used a nicotine-based vaping liquid. This further proves that nicotine itself is not a very significant agent when it comes to cardiovascular disease. What’s more detrimental to the health of the blood vessels for smokers are the additives that are added to regular cigarettes, as well as the tar that is produced through combustion.

Upon further analysis, researchers found that even those vapers who continued to occasionally smoke reaped the benefits of using e-cigarettes. After taking into account factors such as age, sex, and how heavily they’ve smoked,  at least 1.5 percentage point improvement was noticed in vapers.

This study comes at the heels of a speech that Dr. Konstantin Farsalinos, the leading researcher into cardiovascular diseases and vaping, gave at the E-Cigarette Summit in London. His conclusions were the same – switching to vaping considerably contributes to lower chances of cardiovascular diseases in smokers. You can watch his full presentation below:

The findings of this study directly contradict a study published in the European Heart Journal published earlier that week. That study found that vaping causes vascular oxidative health. Dr. Jacob George commented on it, saying that “that study was very small and flawed – not least because it looked only at the impact of a single vaping session.” Still, it was a study that was widely reported because it fit the narrative that vaping is “bad for health”.

Impact of Study on Vaping (and Vapers)

This new study proving the beneficial cardiovascular effects of switching from smoking to vaping will go a long way when it comes to putting vapers at ease.

After being bombarded for months with news about the vaping lung disease, it is understandable that some vapers were getting concerned about their life-saving habit. The worst effect that this propaganda could have is pushing people who are already vaping back to smoking. That would be a great public healthcare disservice.

Of course, we’re waiting for other teams to corroborate these results but, if they turn out to be replicable, this would be a ground-breaking research for vaping. Previous research that was done on blood vessel diameter suggests that even a one percentage point improvement in blood vessel function could result in a 13% lower risk of cardiovascular diseases.

As always, we would like to reiterate what the authors of the study are already saying in their conclusion – this does not mean that vaping is 100% harm-free. Absolutely no one is claiming that. What we at the Kind Pen are saying (and have been saying for years now) is that vaping is one of the most effective smoking cessation tools available today. Numerous studies published in notable scientific journals confirm that – this one from the New England Journal of Medicine puts the success rate of vaping at 18% (as compared to 10% for other cessation methods)

Kind Pen Can Help You On Your Journey to Becoming Smoke-Free

For more than 7 years, Kind Pen has been selling top quality vaping devices in the US and all over the world. We like to think that during that time, we’ve helped thousands of people kick their awful smoking habit and live healthier, more active lives.

If you’d like to know more about us and our products, please visit our website. If you like what you see, you can either order directly from us or check if any of your nearby vape shops carry our brand. In the meantime, visit our blog often as we’ll be sharing vaping tips and tricks, as well as any new vape-related research that we come across!

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